Episode 12: How I started contributing to Istio and Envoy

Oct 1, 2021 at PM 4:00 PST
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Join us on October 1st for the next Istio weekly episode where we’ll talk with Istio maintainer Aditya Prerepa.

In addition to being a member of the Istio networking working group, Aditya is also finishing high school this year. He’s worked on Istio for more than a year with a focus on Pilot and xDS as well as VM health checking, auto registration, and multitenancy.

With Hacktoberfest coming up, we’ll discuss what Aditya is currently working on, how he started contributing to Istio and Envoy, his upcoming EnvoyCon talk, and any tips he has for anyone trying to start contributing to Istio/Envoy and other open-source projects.

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